If you see something you’re interested in, please feel free to contact us. We are always available for questions. All college pictures are taken at about 24 hours old but we are happy to share updated photos and videos on request. You can also check out our Instagram and Facebook page for extra content and cuteness!
Twyla will be a petite but stocky build. Her sire comes from mini lines, and mom is short and thick. This girl is COVERED in moonspots and has a fun, spunky personality.
Nova looks a lot like her daddy at this age. Petite, feminine and covered in chocolate moonspots. She has his beautiful blue eyes too! She will likely stay closer to mini size. She has a nice top line and a great, curious personality.
Clover has a nice, long body with beautiful contrast in color. She has a few chocolate moonspots hidden in there too! She is the sweetest thing and loves to snuggle in to your neck. She will be likely be small to mid sized with a solid build.
Capri is a little carbon copy of her sire, Vulcan, but with some feminine features too. She is thick, balanced and wide bodied. She has beautiful moonspotting and a perfect little face. She is also super sweet, taking after her parents.
This guy is built nicely with a packed pedigree behind him. as an added bonus, his coloring is stunning. He is slightly longer and taller than his brother, Thor, but should fill out to be a small standard size.
This boy came out as a power house and we knew immediately he would be retained. He will be on the mini side but stocky. We are so happy with his build, coloring and personality!
American Toggenburg, Doeling
Sire: Rowe's Landmark Fame ADGA# T002199081
Dam: Mountain Pines Ranger Gypsy ADGA# T002155648
DOB: 4/11/2023
Brown with Correct White Markings, Wattles, Erect Ears, Clean Teats,
This sweet girl is simply perfection. She's got champion lines on both sides of her pedigree. She has her Dam's grace and beauty along with those cute little wattles. Her granddam, sire's side, won Grand Champion at the California State fair last summer.
Red and dapple headed Boer doelings
Sire: CEDR Ranch Cowboy Take Me Away
Dam: Gold Country Piper
DOB: 2/19/2023
Mimi is deep red with white and Mitzi is dapple headed traditional,
We’ve got some fun possibilities with this pairing! Blue eyes, moon spots, and blue are all possible or any combination of these. This pairing should result in small standard sizing.
***UPDATE: Confirmed bred via ultrasound with a single but possibly twins.***
Single buckling born 1/2/24. Denali
If it ain't broke, don't fix it! These two are paired up once again for some thick and wide short stacks! I'm so happy with the last bucklings they produced last time that I hoarded them both to show this summer. Should be mini/small standard in size. Moonspots, blue eyes possible.
Futurity nominated.
*confirmed via ultrasound twins
*update-twin doelings born 11/12/23 unassisted, Boo and Roz
These two each have such bold patterns, there’s really no way to predict what the outcome will be. We could end up with tri-flower or moonspots, blue eyes are possible as well. With BOOty being a mini and Jubilee being small statured, these kids should be mini/smaller statured. Polled is also possible with this pairing.
*confirmed bred via ultrasound with QUADS!
Triplets, 2 does and 1 buck born 1/1/24
Honey is short and stout. She’s got some great muscling and a nice thick coat too. There’s lots to love about this doe! Honey did very well at the last show (even though she did not want to be there! 😜) These two will likely produce some nice show quality minis. BOOty’s two boys (Thor and Loki) placed reserve and champion Junior Buckling. Moonspots and blue eyes possible.
Futurity nominated.
***UPDATE confirmed bred via ultrasound with twins, possibly triplets.***
Trina and Vulcan are both standard sized myos each with super sweet dispositions. Vulcan is a thick, muscled guy built very correct with moonspots and amber eyes. He’s gentle and calm as well. Trina has a fantastic coat, it’s short but silkie soft with lots of shine. She is Swiss marked tri-colored, polled with crystal blue eyes. Her top line is perfectly straight and although solidly built, she’s quite graceful as well. She comes from a long line of good mothers, often producing anywhere from 3-5 babies. Blue eyes, polled, moonspots, Swiss and tricolor are all possible with these two. I’m a firm believer that disposition carries through genetics so these babies will be sweethearts!
***confirmed bred with 2-3 babies!
Twin bucklings 1/1/24
Another nice mini pairing. Windy is Honey’s full sister but built a little more petite in structure. She is built solid, correct and very square in shoulders/hips. Mathis is a tank with fantastic width and rear leg angulation. Both Windy and Mathis are on track to certify as mini with MGR. We have a lot of possibilities here with tri-color, Swiss and flower possible. One thing is for sure, though, this will be itty-bitties with some great width!
Futurity nominated.
*confirmed bred via ultrasound with twins, possibly triplets.
This pairing will surely bring some spotty minis. Miley is pending her mini certification standing just under 20 inches. She is very show correct and has done well in the ring. BOOty comes from micro/mini lines with lots of flash. Moonspots, blue eyes and mini size are all possible with this pairing.
Futurity nominated.
***UPDATE: confirmed bred via ultrasound with 2-3 itty bitties!
twin doelings 1/1/24
We are keeping our fingers crossed for some blue eyed, flower patterned babies out of these two. Eve stands at about 19 inches and Mega should be a small standard when mature so these babies should have some good substance and on the shorter side with lots of flash. I love the black and white contrast!
*confirmed bred via ultrasound with QUADS!
*triplet bucklings 1/2/24
We’ve done a repeat breeding of Booty and Ember. Booty comes from micro/mini lines, put together very correct and is super flashy. Ember is short and stout. This girl has some good depth. Last season, their two doelings were in high demand! Their babies were covered from head to toe in moonspots and Swiss marked too!
***UPDATE: Confirmed bred via ultrasound with triplets.***
*triplet doelings
Mathis is still young but he just keeps getting better as he grows. He is a mini tank! He’s nice and wide with fantastic leg angulation. Mathis is very correct in all aspects, really put together nicely. Blue has been a favorite of mine from day one. She held her
own at her first show despite being youngest in her class. I suspect next year she’ll place even better with more time to fill out. They both come from excellent lines. I’m pretty excited about this pairing!
Futurity nominated.
UPDATE: confirmed bred via ultrasound, twins
*boy/girl twins
We’ve used Booty in several pairings this season as he his from mini/micro lines and we have a lot of first timers and mini mommas ready to breed. He brings a lot to the table in both conformation AND flash. He’s paired with Misty this time around and I am so excited to see what these two produce. Misty stands at 19.5 inches and is a flashy girl with a blue-tan-tri, moonspotted and Swiss marked coat. She’s also polled and built very correct. She will be mini certified before babies arrive. We are expecting some super flashy babies out of these two with blue eyes, polled and moonspots possible.
Futurity nominated.
UPDATE: confirmed bred via ultrasound 2-3 kids
*single doeling
Loki is nicely balanced with good width and length. He took Reserve Champion Junior Buck at the Oregon show this summer. I knew he was a keeper from day one but as he’s maturing, I’m liking him even more. Penny is a beautiful, feminine doe and solid black which is so versatile when breeding for color. She has the most beautiful head and ear set too. Expecting some standard sized, balanced and well muscled beauties out of these two. Moonspots and blue eyes possible.
Futurity Nominated.
UPDATE: confirmed bred 1-2 kids
*twin boys
Thor is everything all wrapped into one compact package. He is high on his hooves, well muscled, wide and very correct. He took Champion Junior Buckling at the Oregon show and turned a lot of heads. He’s got all that AND a great personality. Thor is still maturing but I’m really liking how his future is looking. Pinky is just over height to be certified as mini but that’s ok, this girl is built for show. She is correct in every way. Oh boy, I’m afraid this pairing is going to cause some hoarding! Blue eyes, moonspots and show quality possible in this pairing. 😍
*UPDATE-GORGEOUS twin girls! 3/11/24
Roz is a very solid built doeling. She is futurity nominated with FGG and comes from excellent lines that have placed competitively in the ring. She will likely finish in the small standard range. She is a beautiful mover with a fantastic topline. Structurally, she is correct on every way and would make a wonderful addition to any herd.
This little doeling is built pretty thick and balanced from hip through to shoulder. She will likely finish small standard in sizing. She is also futurity nominated.
RETAINED for now but may be available in future.
Cheyenne is a gorgeous girl with lots of protentional. She comes from show lines and is futurity nominated. Cheyenne is graceful and very correct. Dam is certified mini with MGR and Sire comes from mini/micro lines.
Cheyenne is AVAILABLE
Rey is a beautiful girl with tons of protentional. She comes from show lines and is futurity nominated. Rey is graceful and balanced in her small stature. Dam is certified mini with MGR and comes from champion lines. Sire comes from mini/micro lines and has produced some outstanding kids. If you're looking for a quality certified mini for your herd, this girl is it!
What can I say about this flashy girl? She is built beautifully and is already spunky. She will make a nice addition to my flowery herd and I'm excited to see what her future holds.
Confetti is RETAINED
This girl is built just like her sister (Champagne) but maybe on a slightly smaller scale. She is filling out nicely. It seems that perhaps she has been overlooked because she doesn't have the same flash. The best thing about a mostly black goat though is that they are a blank canvas. You can get amazing color and pattern when breeding time comes. Midnight is full of grace in her movement and is quite smooth in her build.
Midnight is AVAILABLE
This guy is an amazing buckling. He is thick boned with good length and plenty of width for sure! He also has a few moonspots hiding in that gorgeous coat of fur. He should finish as a standard sized buck. We are keeping a close eye on him but so far, he has herd sire written all over him. Denali is literally the whole package! He happens to be available ONLY because I already have three closely related bucks to him.
Fresco is just getting better with age. He was born with some long legs and a large frame. As he grows and fills out, he is looking less lanky in his limbs and more balanced. I anticipate that he will make the cut as a buck but only time will tell. He will be standard sized and is quite the flashy guy!
Holstein made a dramatic entrance into this world but despite that, he is the sweetest, most snuggly little guy. He is built correct in every way but will be offered as a wether to a super lucky pet home. Wethers make the most fantastic pets so if you're looking for some cuteness to love on, don't miss out on this little guy!
Parker is just the cutest little thing. If only I could keep them all... He has already found his home as a bottle baby.
This little guy caught my eye from the start. I LOVE a solid black goat with blue eyes! Angus has also found his home as a bottle baby.
Fire Sky Farm Twighlight Tundra. At just one week old, this guy has caught our eye. He is incredibly balanced, polled and flashy! He will likely finish in a small standard size.
Neo is a cute little compact guy. He will likely leave as a wether because his ears tip up a bit and he lacks length. He will make a wonderful buddy for a buck or make an even better pet. He is a sweetheart!
This flashy girl is feminine and eye catching. I just love her!
I just love the black with chocolate moonspots. This girl is really put together well. She’s gorgeous!
Ash has a perfect top line and is really balanced nicely. I just love how this girl is put together.
This girl was highly anticipated. She is an absolute doll! It's always been difficult to capture the solid black goat in photos but everyone to visit the farm has been drawn to her. She is a doll! Lulu is being offered to a pet home.
Jimmy is a smaller, structured buckling but built very correct. He comes from some excellent lines too boot. This guy is growing into a thick and balanced buckling. He seems to be favoring his sire with all of the width he is packing. He has the sweetest personality too, just a chill little dude.
Guiness is one of those kids that gives that “wow”factor from the moment he arrives. He’s got some fantastic width. His top line is perfect and I think he’s going to make an excellent herd sire. He even has a few moon spots just to add that extra flash! We love this guy and hope he finds the perfect home as a herd sire.
Guiness is AVAILABLE
This Beautiful, feminine doe will likely stay on the smaller side structurally. She is put together very well though, with balance through her hip to shoulder she’s a flashy little thing with a few moon spots as well!
This gorgeous guy looks a lot like his daddy. He is buckling with bright blue eyes. He’s also total sweetheart! He is available as a wether.
I just love a solid black goat with blue eyes! This boy has perfect ears and beautiful head. so far, he’s unfolding nicely and looks very correct. We are keeping an eye on him to see if he gets to grow up be a ladies man or not. If he’s buck material, for those that don’t know, solid black is a great thing in a breeding program. It’s a perfect blank canvas to throw pattern for your flashy does.
*Steve has been disbudded
I knew this girl was staying here from her first breath. She is flashy, wide, blended, and perfection! She's already signed up for her first show. Thor and Pinky delivered with this kidding.
disbudded, RETAINED
Ruby is just perfect. She is balanced, and correct in every way. She is going to make a wonderful foundation doe and should do well in show as well. I just love this girl, it was tough to make her available!
disbudded, {SALE PENDING}
Mirage gave birth to two gorgeous bucklings weighing in at 5.11 and 5.12, Loki and Thor
Expecting smaller stature and graceful lines with these two fainters. Mirage comes from excellent show lines. Booty is basically one giant moonspot so lots of flash expected too!
Registration pending.
Eve gave birth to two beautiful doelings weighing in at 4.15 and 4.11, Clover and Capri
These two myos are probably our most friendly fainters. Expecting great personality, possibly tri color and moonspots on small/standard sized tanks.
Registration pending.
Ember gave birth to two heavily moonspotted doelings. Stunning!
These two myos will likely throw mini tanks with lots of color. Booty comes from mini lines and Ember is quite small but solid. Should be some fun color as well!
*update-Piper delivered two beautiful doelings. One dapple headed and one solid red. Sadly, the red did not make it. The dapple headed doeling is named Fire Ski Farm Mitzi and is growing out nicely! She is balanced with a great top line. She’s got her dads head structure and is a sweet heart too. She will be available when weaned.
*update-Piper delivered two beautiful doelings. One dapple headed and one solid red. Sadly, the red did not make it. The dapple headed doeling is named Fire Ski Farm Mitzi and is growing out nicely! She is balanced with a great top line. She’s got her dads head structure and is a sweet heart too. She will be available when weaned.
With Piper being dapple headed and Cowboy being paint, we should get some color with these two! They are both thick and stout. Cowboy has some great muscle, a nice smooth coat and that nice Roman nose as well. Kids should be great fair prospects and breeders as well.
*registration pending for Cowboy
Gypsy delivered a single GORGEOUS doeling. We could not be any happier with her. She's got her mommas waves and wattles. She will be a looker for sure!
To say we are thrilled with this pairing is an understatement! Both Gypsy and Fame have a packed pedigree with filled with champions and fantastic milk producers. Fame’s dam took g
Gypsy delivered a single GORGEOUS doeling. We could not be any happier with her. She's got her mommas waves and wattles. She will be a looker for sure!
To say we are thrilled with this pairing is an understatement! Both Gypsy and Fame have a packed pedigree with filled with champions and fantastic milk producers. Fame’s dam took grand champion at the California State Fair in 2022. Stay tuned, due early April!
I just love the way they bounce around!
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